Dictionaries as Sources of Folklore Data

Ed. Jonathan Roper

Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia
Folklore Fellows’ Communications 321
Helsinki 2020
246 pp.
ISBN 978-951-41-1157-0
Available at the Tiedekirja bookstore, 28€

Cover of FFC 321What does Elias Lönnrot have in common with Vladimir Dahl, Antoni Maria Alcover and the Brothers Grimm? The answer is that all of these folklorists were also lexicographers. And there is much folklore data buried in dictionaries, whether compiled by those who were folklorists or by those who were not. Thus dictionaries represent a notable source of folklore data supplementary to the already familiar field, archival and monographic sources. This book attempts to take the measure of such data with a set of studies ranging from Greece to England, and from Newfoundland to Trinidad and Tobago.

An introductory essay discusses the location of folklore within dictionaries. Then the first of the three main sections of the book deals with the role folklore has played in the formation of certain remarkable dictionaries. This is followed by a series of case studies of the folklore content of particular dictionaries. And the book closes with a set of studies that address the methodological issues that using dictionaries as folklore sources raises.

The authors of these chapters are: Jasmina Dražić, Anne Dykstra, Jeremy Harte, Philip Hiscock, Zoja Karanović, Diarmuid Ó Giolláin, Haralampos Passalis, Jonathan Roper, Timothy R. Tangherlini, and Lise Winer.



Read on-line Preface 


Dictionaries as a Source of Folklore Data
Jonathan Roper

Folklore in the Formation of Dictionaries

Folklore in the Formation of Dictionaries. The Irish-English Dictionary of Fr Patrick Dinneen
Diarmuid Ó Giolláin

The Dictionary of Jutlandic Folk Speech by Henning F. Feilberg
Timothy R. Tangherlini

“A Pretty Novelty in a Grammar”. The Romani Dictionary of John Sampson
Jeremy Harte

Case Studies of Dictionaries

Karadžić’s “Srpski rječnik” (The Serbian Dictionary) and Serbian Culture
Zoja Karanović and Jasmina Dražić

Superstition is Deeply Imprinted in the Human Heart. Halbertsma’s Lexicon Frisicum
Anne Dykstra

Between and Betwixt the Folklorist and the Lexicographer. The Case of Some Greek Glossary Compilers at the End of the Nineteenth and in the Early Twentieth Century
Haralampos Passalis

Folklore in Dictionaries: Methodological Considerations

Folklore in a Caribbean English/Creole Dictionary. Inclusion, Definition and Retrieval
Lise Winer

Folklore in the Glossaries of the English Dialect Society
Jonathan Roper

Folklore in the Dictionary of Newfoundland English
Philip Hiscock

Read on-line Contributors


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